If you ask me, yesterday’s COAG decision to reclassify the Adler shotgun, under the National Firearms Agreement, is a huge step backwards for democracy in Australia and a clear demonstration of how unsuitable our so-called leaders are. For years these…
The Gun Control Deception Continues…
If you ask me, the news that the Federal and State Governments may agree to put the Adler 7-shot shotgun into Category D is extremely worrying and totally wrong. If this comes to pass, then this is just a continuation of…
The Adler Shotgun Debate – Gun Control Through Deception
The following article was originally posted on www.ifyouaskme.com.au: If you ask me, the present Adler shotgun debate, and the associated debate on the gun laws of Australia, has been manufactured by the lies and fear-mongering of the Australian Greens, Gun…