This is the story of a Cape buffalo hunt in the Chirisa Safari Area, Zimbabwe, in 1992. Please read on… The sun slowly settled into the tree studded horizon. Sunset was near. Amidst the haze of dusk it seemed that the…
COAG’s Irrational Decision on Adler Shotgun
If you ask me, yesterday’s COAG decision to reclassify the Adler shotgun, under the National Firearms Agreement, is a huge step backwards for democracy in Australia and a clear demonstration of how unsuitable our so-called leaders are. For years these…
The Gun Control Deception Continues…
If you ask me, the news that the Federal and State Governments may agree to put the Adler 7-shot shotgun into Category D is extremely worrying and totally wrong. If this comes to pass, then this is just a continuation of…
Cartridge Case or Projectile – Part 1
Cartridge Case or Projectile? Part 1 – Which is the Most Important? In a sort of ‘Chicken or the Egg’ question, when comparing cartridges and buying firearms, which is more important; cartridge case design or projectile construction and design? Too often…
The Adler Shotgun Debate – Gun Control Through Deception
The following article was originally posted on If you ask me, the present Adler shotgun debate, and the associated debate on the gun laws of Australia, has been manufactured by the lies and fear-mongering of the Australian Greens, Gun…
Both Eyes Open Shooting
“This is where they’ll be, so keep your eyes peeled!” Isn’t that the sort of thing we say when there is a chance of seeing a big mob of ‘critters’ or a trophy ‘beastie’? We say eyes, which is…
Welcome to Shoot’n Fish’n ‘n’ Hunt’n.
Welcome to Shoot’n Fish’n ‘n’ Hunt’n; a new, and independent, e-magazine that will be covering a wide range of topics of interest to fishermen and women, competition shooters, plinkers, reloaders, archers and hunters. Shoot’n Fish’n ‘n’ Hunt’n will, over time,…